You might hate me that's ok I just want the facts!!!! And you as an American should want the same. Don't believe the news it's mostly lies (J.P. MORGAN) bought up the media circa 1935. So you only get one side...the side they want you to hear. Which is filled with lies and propaganda.
These are clips of the truth are you afraid of the truth watch for yourself? This is just the icing on the cake.
Ok I have heard everyone on this now it's my turn to voice my opinion.
We have failed in our politics. THE WHOLE WORLD HATES US and the two party system does not work. We are two faced on our foreign policies we speak peace, love, and harmony, but we always carry the big stick if you don't do what we say than we will "BOMB YOU". We are the only country in the world that has used the "ATOMIC BOMB" and instead of bombing the "Military Complex" in Tokyo ( which made sense ) we bomb rice fields and innocent farmers who could have cared a less about us. Destroyed little children and families who just wanted to learn about life.
When has OUR GOVERNMENT told the truth on anything?
Roswell/Bay of Pigs/The Precious Patriot Act/...our Government is the biggest joke and our leaders don't really care about us. Yeah NAFTA was a great Idea wasn't it? Basically that one act sold us down the river now we hardly make anything anymore.
WAKE UP PEOPLE are GOVERNMENT is destroying this is time for a change before it is too late.
Every day we get closer and closer to WW3 and these BOZZO'S are going to make it a reality this system has failed can't you see that.
I really wonder if our so called politicians are being controlled by other means. I mean who sets up a Government...where we do not own our own Banks?...makes you wonder does it not? Still have not gotten the full truth on 911/ JFK/ Marylin Monroe/Martin Luther King/Bobby Kennedy/Water Gate/President Clinton/Bush family ties with Germany/Lee Harvey Oswald/Jack Ruby/Oklahoma City/David Kerresh/Vietnam and Agent Orange...I could go on and on.
I DO NOT TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT and you my friend do your own research. Everything is not fine.
At any moment we could be bombed by Russia and China together and this could be the end of this country. (Scaler Wave Technology)..we do not have this...they do. Do your research on the Scaler Wave and you will see how defenseless we truly are.
These are the cold hard facts and it is time we FIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY BEFORE WE DO NOT HAVE A COUNTRY TO FIGHT FOR.
Could it be we have a SHADOW decide.
Whew I'm done...thanks more will ever be said by me on this topic.
and if sometimes i can't seem to talk you know this blackborad lacks a piece of chalk