First of all. Sorry,
Jean, about your car accident. I think I saw the oysterhead avatar and immediately thought of Betsy.
Second, what a great night. It was so good to see some nutter friends, and to meet and hold that rock star rebel of a baby, Sam.
My Mom and I had quite the adventure taking the metro into the city. Then, we had a kodak moment in front of the White House after realizing it was only a few blocks away. It was COLD out there. So, we were happy when we entered the warmth of PJ Clarks only to be instantly greeted by LTwoman and her husband's "stand-in", Susan. =) Then the gang all started filing in and it was like a family reunion (one in which you actually LIKE your family, that is.)
Conroy picked a great restaurant in PJ's. Dinner was great and then we headed back out into the cold a few blocks to the National Geographic building and the main event!
First things first. Are the nutters full of luck or what? The event was nearly full and still one of our own, Mrs Supercat, won the signed copy of Andy's newest photo book, Desirer Walks the Street. Amazing.
Aside from the misfortune of missing the majority of Andy's talk, I think NJperry should be proud that his son is starting so young being rockin' and rowdy and getting kicked out of a venue. I mean, rock stars work for years to get to that level so he's way ahead of the game and well on his way to world domination. =)
Andy was introduced by Mark Seliger who, though he might be a great photographer himself, he needs to do a run through of his intros next time. Kinda rough.
So, then the door opens at the side of the stage (of course, opposite of where we nutters were sitting, which is probably a good thing for this crowd) and Andy instantly strikes a pose in the doorway. Is there any question that this man is full of charm? He seemed completely natural up there as he went through a presentation of about 50 slides he'd put together from his book. Stewart wasn't kidding when he said "Andy Summers will be rocking when Sting and I are long rotting in our graves". He really has been everywhere and seen everything and has the amazing photos to prove it. And best of all he's still a lover of the film camera. Bless him.
After Andy's slide presentation, Mark Seliger came back out and spoke with Andy a bit and then opened the floor to questions. Hopefully someone else has a better memory of the questions asked because I don't. I had a few questions of my own, but was too chicken to raise my hand. I wanted to know if he had his own darkroom!! Because let me tell ya. I would if I were him! Luckily someone else asked if he processed his own photos and he said he used to but doesn't have the time anymore, so he works with the people that do the processing and can tell them any dodging or burning he wants. Must be nice. =)
Someone asked a rather silly question of Andy, wanting him to list his three favorite photos he'd taken while with The Police. Andy looked out with a straight face and said something to the effect of, how will anyone know which pictures I'm talking about if I just say it? They aren't here to show. And then what else did he say? Someone remind me. He started counting off on his fingers "the one with Sting, the one with Stewart and the one with me", or something like that? Needless to say, it got a big laugh.
It was funny to me that we were told no photographs during the event, yet Andy talked several times about the need of being stealth with his camera. So, taking that as my cue, I snapped off a couple pictures as the talk was coming to a close. Even Mark Seliger took a stealth picture of Andy as he (Andy) told the one official photog there not to take his picture from the angle he was sitting, which was right below Andy in the front row. =) So, when I get a chance, I'll post those stealthy pics, blurry as they are.
There was no meet and greet after the event, and we quickly got shooed out of the building and even out of the courtyard out in front of the building!
Then, we all walked back down the street, stopped at a corner and said our goodbyes and each little group went off in their own directions. I miss you already.
I think it was a little after 9pm and Mom and I just had to walk a few blocks back to the metro station. I figured we were ahead of the game since we got out of there at a decent hour. That was until about half hour/45 minutes later while on the metro Mom noticed that the stop we were at was not one we had stopped at on our way into the city. D'OH! We were on the orange line instead of the blue line and heading west instead of south! We looked at the map on the train wall and a nice couple pointed out we only had to go two stops back to catch the correct train and we thanked then and immediately got off at the next stop. Did I mention this train was standing room only? It was full of red Capitols jerseys. We never did find out if they won. It was a quiet train, so I'm thinking that's a negative.
So, we finally made our way to the correct track, find our train and make it back to the car for the further 3 hour ride home, placing our tired noggin's on our pillows at 2:20 this morning. Not a bad day, I'd say.
Love to all!! I'll have pictures up as soon as I can. =)