by Chatchka on 16 Jan 2009 18:54
I'm thinking of changing the color of my dining room. When I moved into this house everything was painted a beige color that had a pink tone to it. I moved from house to house in my childhood as a military brat and there is nothing that drives me crazy like a white wall -- I hate them. This particular shade of beige was nearly as bad. So when I bought the house I quickly painted every room I had time for, with bright colors. My dining room is a bright mango color called, oddly, sweet maple. Over time, I find this color to be increasingly intolerable -- kind of too clear and bright, like an egg yolk.
aside: I'm listening to a webcast in which a brilliant person just said "many of which is not." Seriously. Augh.
Now, back to my tale of paint. To fix the "eating on the sun" issue, I'm considering bringing the brightness of this room down a notch to a color more like parchment or sand. I like the idea of a buttery color, but don't want it to look too "eastery" or to lack sophistication. Tan is tricky because I don't want to end up with a pink or peach tone to the room, yet, I don't want it to be too neutral, which will eventually bug me too. The problem is that this neutral spectrum is treacherous -- some colors have undertones that don't come through until you paint a large area with them and WATCH THE PAINT DRY. This is why I have begun to consider khaki simply for the depth that it offers...
Last edited by
Chatchka on 16 Jan 2009 19:14, edited 1 time in total.
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