by Moeskido on 19 Jul 2007 01:40
You people are making it very difficult for me not to get fannish about all this wonderful stuff. I wasn't much of a Police fan back when they first appeared, until DM hooked me up with their live work.
Stewart's making it difficult for me, too. I've rarely heard of any popular musician of his stature showing this much acknowledgment of appreciative fans. It's enormous, and wonderful, and considerate. What a class act.
This very much dwarfs my own fan experience, which exists over on the nerd side of popular culture, with a 41-year-old tv show that you folks would probably laugh your asses off about. I've never felt this strongly about people who were involved with that show, except for a some of the creatives involved with designing it, and two or three character actors who stole it away from the leads.
Sorry to ramble about my own Star Trek crap. You folks are difficult to ignore. Stewart is impossible to ignore. And DM is still reeling from recent events. No mystery why.
Absurditas antecedat morbiditate.