by nancyrose on 04 Jul 2007 20:28
So...saw the first post on this thread and thought, oh shit, not politics, not's such a peaceful, happy place! Told myself to stay away, despite being a major political junkie and having LOTS of strong opinions!
As the thread made its way to two pages, I confess I got hooked. Started to mentally frame debate points and consider most persuasive phraseology. Began cheering for those whose posts echoed my long-held political beliefs.
Suddenly heard the sound of voices inside my head..."stay away," they whispered. "You've been down this road before!" Indeed, I have. Once upon a time, on a website far, far felt so right in the beginning...particularly with the U.S. Presidential election (2004) looming large! Was it not my right...nay, my "help" others be better informed and keep them from casting a vote in the wrong direction??
Okay, suffice it to say...things got pretty ugly. Vehement arguing and name calling the likes of which one would probably NEVER inflict on their "real world" neighbors and matter how misguided their political philosophy. It's just so much easier to be cutting and nasty on the web...where you never look your prey in the eye.
Back to 3 had my adrenaline going, and I began to feel that familiar tension from poltical fora of days gone by.
Then something truly strange happened...humor stepped in! And not just once, but over and over again! All these strange, wonderful people just rising up like the guy in Network (name escaping me at moment) saying "No Way! No How! Not Here!! " Political debacle averted! Whew...that was close!!
Can I just borrow from Hannah for a moment and say "I love you people!"