by Kalypso on 10 Jul 2007 18:17
Sorry if I rat-at-at posts on several threads, then go back to work. It's that I don't have much time. I wanted to apologize because I don't want anybody thinking that I am being invasive.
John Frusciante is a Real Genius and an all-around performer, all his harmonies on the Pepper's records totally save Tony's ass, especially live. He is totally MAD (no drugs involved this time, but his eyes were scary on Live Earth) and sees&talks to spirits. I have his solo album Ataxia and it really scared the s**t out of me.
Still, if you loved Arcadium you will Worship By the Way!
Another Frusciante fan.
"Loa-ded, and ready for a-ction! [wink]"