by Jennythenipper on 13 Jul 2007 17:15
I must confess something. I belong to other fandoms. Though the Police were my first love and obsession, they were not my first online fandom.
I belong to the online Cary Grant fan club, The Email Warbrides (that's where my screen name comes from.) We have Caryventions every 18 months in different parts of the world, based on where we have active members and hopefully with some realtionship to Cary Grant. Usually what ends up deciding these things is two factors: where can we actually all afford to go. Sometimes it's the UK, sometimes it's the US, and yes, this year we are having a Cary Grant cruise. But mostly what it comes down to , is that we have to have a very active and organized fan base in the area where the convention is planned. We had one in Minneapolis/St. Paul because I was willing to host and work my ass off planning it.
So before we all buy tickets to Italy or LA, or London, we need to find at least one (but preferably two or three) SCnutter(s) who is willing to plan a Konvention.
Thanks to Sockii (you rockii) for awesome Avatar photo!