I was at the NYC signing last Wednesday!

Postby Marshmallow Jones 1 on 18 Sep 2006 18:31

I heard the Troggs story on the radio - not sure where the story cuts off on You tube but - Sting hired the Troggs as his wedding band.

After that he tells the story of what happened at the wedding - the guys got urged to play, the whole wedding was egging them on, they decide let's do it and they get up to the stage but when the Troggs left they took their guitar plugs and drumsticks and plectrums with them. So sting's son had to go and fetch all of this stuff. Meanwhile they are waiting there on the stage, and this is a big moment - everyone is going to watch the Police play together for the 1st time since 1986. Apparently Sting had hired this wedding organizer who was in charge of everything running on time and correctly. so he goes over to the 3 of them and tells them this little performance didnt fit in with the wedding schedule and he made them go sit down!! some little wedding organizer breaks up the Police reunion! later, though Sting's son came back with the necessary stuff and they did get to jam.

apologies to Stew if I'm not accurate here but I think that's the way the story went on the radio.
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 18 Sep 2006 19:39

BAHhhahhah! "I don't know who (Bill Ward) is!"

I guess now we know why Stew doesn't name check many bands...seems like kind of a no-win proposition...
On Google - site:stewartcopeland.net "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby giovanni on 18 Sep 2006 20:27

Great report!
Thanks for mentioning me; do you still have problems in logging in?
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