by Kalypso on 06 Sep 2007 18:23
Tonight I think on NBC, CBS, or ABC (WTF) there is an extremely interesting piece on Photoshop and how it is absolutely creating an alternate reality, which might be good for namedroppers (fake pictures with celebrities), fishermen (here is, THIS big), but has also a dark side, like, putting your picture in the infamous Minneapolis airport bathroom or worse, or falsifying data, resumes and documents, various levels of criminal activity.
This is nothing we don't know, but the interesting part is that they teach you how to know without a doubt if a picture is photoshopped, even at the highest technical levels.
Needless to say, I am very interesting in protecting my identity. Have to say that asking Google to remove my picture from everywhere after the deed worked.
"Loa-ded, and ready for a-ction! [wink]"