FallOut Mike: Video from Guitar Center

Postby TheEqualizer on 20 Aug 2007 19:28

Now I feel bad for whinning about not getting a photo.
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Postby irishrose1969 on 20 Aug 2007 19:50

The DIRTBAG WILL MOST CERTAINLY GET WHAT THEY HAVE COMING TO THEM FOR THIS HORRIFIC INJUSTICE. F***ING A HOLE. Sorry, I Call BS. The fact that people are so IGNORANT to do things like take someones photo personally autographed to them for their own glory or to sell it is garbage. Hopefully Stewart will see this thread..I know its not quite the same. Maybe he can get another one to you since you did work so hard and did such a wonderful job. You deserve it.

God Some People SUCK!!!

May Justice prevail and the photo turns up..wishing you the best. WE LOVE YOU MIKE!
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Postby bella on 20 Aug 2007 20:12

Hmm, maybe you should check to see if it turns up on ebay this week. If it's got your name on you, that will be a dead giveaway, huh? Not that you would get it back, but at least you would know the sucker who stole it an you could blast them.
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Postby TheEqualizer on 20 Aug 2007 21:02

No signs of it on eBay yet.
However, someone put up some interesting KK stuff.
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Postby Skip on 20 Aug 2007 21:15

Sorry to hear about your stolen autograph Falloutmike.
I worked at a gallery years ago and was told by a few experts that
not-so-nice autograph dealers would remove the names from personalized photos with some sort of secret potion. Look carefully if one pops up- your name could've been wiped off. I was told some pretty horrible stories about autograph dealers and the games they play- let's hope yours was taken by accident and will be returned.
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Postby Tamadude on 20 Aug 2007 21:28

We'll have to put out an APB on Mike's photo.

I scour ebay and other sites daily so I'll be keeping my eyes open for it.

Karma will prevail dude. Maybe whoever stole it got run over by a bus already.

This makes me seethe....stealing another SC fan's memorabilla is sac-relig! Taboo! An abomination! :evil:

It makes no sense why someone there would do that. Hopefully it's just misplaced and it'll turn up at some point. :?

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Postby falloutmike on 20 Aug 2007 21:28

it did say "To Mike..." or "Yo Mike...." I forget with all the blur in my head about that night.

it wasn't one of the posters that everyone else had. it was printed on photo paper and I had that sitting in my office, just waiting for the signature.



Now I'm all mad again.....
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Postby Tamadude on 20 Aug 2007 21:34

Mike, maybe you could post a copy of the photo if you have another one?

I'm choked right along with you, buddy. I can't imagine the pain...... :cry:

It's a suck thing to have happen.
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Postby TheEqualizer on 20 Aug 2007 21:34

Well, try to take comfort that you've got an army of SCnutters looking out for it. And when we do find it, I've got a cucumber and lemon Chuck Tayor that's going to go up the ass of the troll that swiped it.
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Postby Kalypso on 20 Aug 2007 21:55

Mike...Check eBay. A true Copeland fan would never do that to you.

Maybe you will be able to recuperate it if he is trying to sell it, and if you do, point it out to eBays' administration.

Just a thought from all the fake Barry Bonds balls there.
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Postby animal on 21 Aug 2007 01:33


Hope you get your photo back, Let's hope it was taken my mistake.

I'm sure everyone on here will keep an eye out for it.
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Postby Kalypso on 22 Aug 2007 19:20


1. Did the pic show up, Mike? Hope so.
2. Interview? You have that...How about us?
3. Pictures? Does the GC sell them?

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Postby policerule on 22 Aug 2007 19:44

[quote="Tamadude"]We'll have to put out an APB on Mike's photo.

I scour ebay and other sites daily so I'll be keeping my eyes open for it.

Karma will prevail dude. Maybe whoever stole it got run over by a bus already.

This makes me seethe....stealing another SC fan's memorabilla is sac-relig! Taboo! An abomination! :evil:

It makes no sense why someone there would do that. Hopefully it's just misplaced and it'll turn up at some point. :?

suddenly, i have a vision of all sc.netters running down the streets at night with torches in our hands and midevil weapons swinging looking for mike's autograph. :evil:

so sorry man.... karma will get them. are we all buddhists on here or what???? all this mention of karma.

i always have a search in for stewart on ebay, so i'll catch the sucker if he pokes his head out.
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Postby Kalypso on 22 Aug 2007 19:49

I am totally agnostic, but Buddhism makes more sense because it's a philosophy more than a religion (there is no God to speak of).

I don't know a single person born into Catholicism that hasn't fled the church ASAP. 8)
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Postby policerule on 22 Aug 2007 20:01

I am totally agnostic, but Buddhism makes more sense because it's a philosophy more than a religion (there is no God to speak of).

I don't know a single person born into Catholicism that hasn't fled the church ASAP. 8)[/quote]

i wasn't really looking for an answer on that one... it was sort of rhetorical because the subject is a no-no. just commenting on the frequent use of the karma reference. i'm with ya though! same deal.
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