[quote="Tamadude"]We'll have to put out an APB on Mike's photo.
I scour ebay and other sites daily so I'll be keeping my eyes open for it.
Karma will prevail dude. Maybe whoever stole it got run over by a bus already.
This makes me seethe....stealing another SC fan's memorabilla is sac-relig! Taboo! An abomination!
It makes no sense why someone there would do that. Hopefully it's just misplaced and it'll turn up at some point.
suddenly, i have a vision of all sc.netters running down the streets at night with torches in our hands and midevil weapons swinging looking for mike's autograph.
so sorry man.... karma will get them. are we all buddhists on here or what???? all this mention of karma.
i always have a search in for stewart on ebay, so i'll catch the sucker if he pokes his head out.