I really wanted to see the original VH, but like The Police first time around I was young and VH tickets sold out quickly back in the day so I never saw them during the prime Roth years.
I saw the 5150 tour with Sammy. It was a good show. I even caught Eddie's pick when he threw it to me during Eruption (true story).
The problem with this tour is...
They have gone back and forth too many times, promising a tour with Roth, then Eddie and Dave would clash egos and it would cancel. I was really excited the first time they announced a reunion tour a few years ago. Then they blew it. I believe they have done this a few times right?And oh the mistakes in the past, Gary the Extreme singer? PLEASE! What a bomb that was eh?
Michael Anthony is not at all a talented bass player, BUT he works hard to put on an entertaning show. Whatever happened between Ed and Michael is BS. Eddie needs to frickin grow up and realize he is about to become a big has-been in everyone's eyes if he doesn't get his personal sh%t together and start treating people around him better. It's a tragic situation. He's such an amazing guitarist, but is such an arse and a control freak.
Tickets will not sell well unless it is all four original members, and each of the four would need to have a great attitude towards each other and could prove that in press conferences and interviews pre-tour. They need to earn the true VH fans' trust back if you ask me.
All that being said, I might buy a balcony seat (for $40 max so I don't make too big an investment then get disappointed) just to see if Roth, Alex and Eddie have an ounce of magic left.
I know it won't even come close to The Police tour. Not in Eddie's wildest dreams. Sorry.