by TheEqualizer on 18 Jul 2017 14:42
From Belew's FB July 18, 2017
back to work in Warsaw, today was the most interviews in one day thus far:
filmed radio interview for, radio interview for Jedynka Radio, Metal Hammer Magazine, radio interview for Radio Lodz, Mystic Art Magazine, Trojka Polskie Radio, another radio interview for Antyradio, TerazRock Magazine, yet another radio interview for Antyradio, radio interview for, Tom Kultury Magazine, Top Guitar Magazine, and Rock Radio.
we're getting pretty good at this!
then we were driven to the airport for an 8:00 three and a half-hour flight to London.
Please note I am always on the look out for any Gizmodrome news anywhere, not just from Belew's FB, but he seems to be the only source right now.
There is no bigger gong.