Tour Countdown!

Postby GinaSuperCat on 06 May 2007 14:34

Many cheers for 'Little Bird'...or perhaps even 'Little Wing,' as from Hendrix...this is truly worthy of the countdown thread...I love the play on words!!!

I am go glad others here are so very-well inclined to verse: my forte is prose, of the long-sentence, compound-construction with multiple-clauses fun as reading Kant unless you're a geek like me, and then it is fun <grin>

Sting, Andy, and Stew will soon emerge, the time mere metres around the sun...we will see the Police live in only 21!
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Postby Uccellina on 06 May 2007 16:10

It's 16:10 on GMT and , It's already 01:10 May 7 here, Tokyo.

Ha ha, then Don't SLEEP ! WRITE Verse ! Go DM Go !!
For me, once is enough, my vocab. is rather limited, you know.
I'll be watching you :D

& thanks GSC too, you read Kant ! which I can't !.....well well,
Verses sometimes set me free from grammars :( and
when I can't find the exact word in English, I struggle combining easy ones, trying metaphor things,
and then the oddity might sound .... poetic ! (or, chaotic !)

I'm gonna sleep, good night !!
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Postby DirtyMartini on 06 May 2007 18:46

For Uccellina a mini-verse
even though hers posted first;
and even though she
wants to slowly kill me
from the land of the rising sunburst.

How could I dare to begrudge
a fan of multi-language
who intro'd herself to The Blonde
as a Bird From Krypton --
that took kintama big as an orange.

So for you, Little Bird, some quick fun
for your week already begun.
Your today is my morrow;
time is so hard to follow.
Either way The Police play IN 21!!!

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Postby Uccellina on 07 May 2007 04:52

Oh, gee, Dirty Martini
How could I kill you
when your cocktail of words
is just dazzling me worse !

So I need HIM start DRUMMING !
with the first strike but stunning
to free me from numbers
not as easy as these murmurs.....

Today and tomorrow,
time flies like an arrow
I'm counting on you
to count down till the cue!

P.S. I didn't know "kint*ma" is well known there :lol:
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Postby DirtyMartini on 07 May 2007 12:55

Whoo-hoo, Uccellina!!!

Forgive the prose
to say "Kudos!"

I only wish I could return the favor in Japanese. (I'm limited to greetings, sushi, and vulgarity, as you can see. Sorry about that -- though I did mean it as a compliment. :wink:

Lame rhymes in a few. Sure hope our little bird is still sleeping. . . .
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Doggerel of the Day

Postby DirtyMartini on 07 May 2007 14:08

Huzzah, my Friends of Stewart!
I have news to make you laugh:
I've made my first Kinetic Konvert
on The Police and Stew's behalf.

Darling hubby had never dug the band
despite having never really heard them;
after a very few pop radio tunes,
long ago he had kind of dismissed them.

Thus weeks ago, while watching the Whiskey,
you can imagine my surprise
to see his fingers all a-tapping
trying to groove the groove disguised.

Somehow, I came to realize,
since he had avoided their archive,
half these tunes were new to him
and he had never heard them live.

It's the drums that really grabbed him
and the cymbal tricks galore,
the flailing arms and polyrhythms,
never having seen Stew play before.

Plus, this man who had mocked the singer
for all the "eyo eyo eyays"
found himself -- though under protest --
thumping his hands to Stingo's bass.
(And quietly cursing all the way.)

The best revenge a fan (or spouse) can have
is introducing something new
to a loved one who swears it's something
they will Never. Ever. Do.

Carpe diem! I saw my chance
and plied him high with scores of tunes.
Before I could even assess the damage,
I find he's walking on the moon.

Next thing I remember,
saith his proud and bemused wife,
he's whistling about beds too big,
desk-drumming about holes in his life.

Perhaps you heard the other night
the "CHA!" heard 'round the world
when he officially converted;
the Kinetic Freak Flag came unfurled:

Over video games at a friend's house,
having had himself a snoot-full,
he blazed upon on a faux guitar
a well-stewed "Message in a Bottle."

The best part: all on his own accord,
he now knows it to such an extent
that his drunken video bassline score
was a 93%!

(I swear I laughed so hard, I wept.)
(Can't wait to introduce Klark Kent.)

Hubby now wakes up
with Police songs on the brain;
he's got the Whiskey on his iPod;
sings his "eyo eyo eyays."

As he works through the back-catalogue
(songs old to us but new to him),
he finds himself applauding Sting,
albeit much to his chagrin.

Though every time he praises Stingo,
he still must mutter something terse,
having so vehemently thought one thing
but now feeling the obverse.

He still mocks Sting because he can,
then mocks himself worse for his reverse.

It's now three weeks til the Fan Club Show;
I'm finding gifts and joys a-plenty:
I've got my new-Kinetic spouse,
and the band plays LIVE IN ONLY 20!!!
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Postby Uccellina on 08 May 2007 03:01

Good morning ! though it's almost noon here.

DirtyMartini>>> (I'm limited to greetings, sushi, and vulgarity, as you can see. Sorry about that -- though I did mean it as a compliment. <<<

Yes, Yes of course I feel it, thanks! :D

And congrats for the " Kinetic Konvert " you made !
I guess it's happening here & there, among the younger generations, too.
Inevitably Stng has been much known as a former "Police" here and they've been thinking that the Police is somewhat Sting-a-like, "despite having never really heard them"
and then here comes a chance to "encounter" the real band and ......
A friend of mine much younger than me, when she first saw the movie ES:TPIO said "I didn't know that the Police was such Punkish !" and she started listening to the albums from the start.
And I say in my mind "see? I told ya !"

Uccellina :wink:
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Doggerel of the Day

Postby DirtyMartini on 08 May 2007 14:32

[quote="Uccellina"]And I say in my mind "see? I told ya !"[/quote]

Exactly! It's always nice to be proven right. :D
But on to official business . . .

* * * * *

This week The Boys return to Canada,
and the Countdown hits the teens.
Our Correspondent is so quiet,
Andy's our lord (of info) mesne*
(or as Gina lithely put it,
he's become our 'span o' Green).

All this time and not a word
on cans of beans or Final Pro;
though a wind rang through the Stingdom,
you know he knows more than we know.
(He must be itching to bestow.)

Thus, at the risk of starting rumors
or raising arms amongst Copelanders,
I say this silence is not natural
from our mighty-jawed Evander!

I fear the worst may have befallen!
In fact, "Conspiracy!" I cry!
Stew must be tied and bound and gagged
to keep his brilliance from our eyes!

I say the blame lies with Sir Summers,
on his envy of the Silver Fox
who gets to bang out all those rhythms
and still retains all those forelocks.

Now with The Stew so suddenly silenced,
Andy gets to be The One Who Talks.
(I always knew that mild persona
was just a load of bollocks!)

Spread the news across the land, my friends!
We must rise and save our Stewie!
Get a word out to the Scoobies!
Gather the Army of the Groupies!

S.O.S.! Save Our Stewart!
The guileful Andy has staged a coup!
Pull on your Copeland uniform
(short-shorts and socks of tube)!
Save Sting from the thumbscrews!

OK, perhaps I overreact, and he's
just in suspended animation
to keep his limbs and joints unbroken
until they travel all those nations.

Or perhaps he is just busy
with a thing or twelve on his plate;
but as this bard has a daily duty,
she must say *something* while we wait.
(You're at the mercy of her pate.)

So B.C., since you're the closest
to the alleged fake crime scene,
Team Copeland relies on you
to share all info that you glean.
Keep an eye on Evil Andy
cuz we convene IN JUST 19!!!


* Yes, it rhymes. Go look it up.
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 08 May 2007 15:20


Looks like the inspiration will just keep on rolling in as we get closer, the verse steadily scrolling in...Let's just hope that they don't have Stewart locked in the dining room of the other building this time <grin>

I can't believe this countdown has reached the teens, I feel similar <jumps around the house like when the boy in 7th grade put a note in your locker, convincing you Friday 13th is not indeed an unlucky day!>
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Postby samburusunset on 08 May 2007 15:41

Where did the impish Andy come from??

The Silver Fox...mmmmm.

STEWART - do you ever tire of women, ahem, appreciating you?

(DM - Thanks for working that in. SiS Samburu)
Stewart and Stanley together again!! YO!
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Postby DirtyMartini on 08 May 2007 16:14

You're right, SS -- I forgot to give you props earlier. "The Silver Fox" is used courtesy of SamburuSunset, who chided me for referring to SC as "The Old Grey Mare."

Stewart, please accept my mea culpa: I never meant to imply that you were elderly, female, or equine. Thank you.
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Postby mardee on 08 May 2007 17:53

"mesne"? O.k. You've been playing with the dictionary again, haven't you?:lol: ("Go look it up." You know, my mom and I say that to each other all the time.)

I applaud today's ditty, and kudos to resurfacing the short shorts and tube socks, Dame DirtyMartini. (Though, Stewart did mention something of a leotard, which we've let slide. *nudge, nudge, evil grin*) You keep claiming that you're running out of inspiration, but it doesn't appear it from over here. If these are the lines you can pull while being uninspired, I'd like to see what happens when your Muse really strikes.

SS- Adulation is a wonderful thing for the ego. How could he tire of it?
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Postby DirtyMartini on 08 May 2007 23:53

[quote="mardee"]"mesne"? O.k. You've been playing with the dictionary again, haven't you?:lol: [/quote]

In addition to my duties as Official Bard of the Krypton Tour Countdown, I am also Associate Vocabulary Minister and Scholar-in-Residence Chair of Eye-Winking :wink: and Evil Smiley Guy With Horns :twisted: .
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 09 May 2007 00:54

and the resident Blondie...Call Me :wink:
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Postby samburusunset on 09 May 2007 01:03

SS- Adulation is a wonderful thing for the ego. How could he tire of it?[/quote]

Well, yes, I know. Being a self-proclaimed man in his fifty's and father of many, does it still tickle him that women (us) are still swooning over him? Not that we're not nuts about his musical talents also, as many of us are. That's all I'm sayin'.

Stewart and Stanley together again!! YO!
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