Sorry – I missed the callout from LL!
“Bubble Girls” - Imagine two carbon copy Sissy Spaceks as “Carrie” in 70’s-era prom dress prior to a bucket of guts falling on her head. Add some giant teased hair (I can not imagine having had to comb that out the next day), and some recreational pharmaceuticals and let the games begin. Believing themselves to be both irresistible and welcome everywhere, soap bubbles were blown over every band member and every inch of the stage, depriving the girls’ brains of much-needed oxygen. Last seen liberally bestowing kisses to all passing musicians, I am hopeful that the Bubble Girls have exhausted their 15 minutes of fame and that the resulting brain damage was only minimal.
On the other hand, I’m not always in touch with the kids these days! (Can I borrow your cane?)