Louis Hansa

Louis Hansa

Postby JC on 18 Apr 2005 21:58

Is the one I liked the most. 8)
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Postby Mister Gradenko on 14 May 2005 19:36

I love it!
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Postby random task on 18 Jun 2005 06:22

it seemed inpecibly similar to a piece of music from spyro.
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Postby Mister Gradenko on 18 Jun 2005 10:32

Yeah it has those Copeland inflections doesn't it?
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Louis Hansa

Postby STEWART on 22 Jun 2005 16:06

Yes this track does originate in Spyro. First year. We'll be playing yet enother version of it with GIZMO this summer.
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GIZMO -> how to get tickets???

Postby rhoeckel on 22 Jun 2005 17:22

Hi Stewart,
I know that several fans all over Europe would like to attend
some of the forthcoming GIZMO/LA NOTTE DELLA TARANTA shows
in Italy this July.

But before we can book flights, hotel rooms, rental cars and so on
we would like to know HOW and WHERE to get tickets for these shows.

Giovanni told me he can't help at the moment and the people
from www.ponderosa.it don't answer my e-mails...:-(

Looking for help,
Rüdiger Höckel (from Germany)
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Postby BongoBoy on 22 Jun 2005 18:04

...it is a great tune, can't wait for a GIZMO cd one day. I will have to do jumping jacks and stretches before drumming along with the song though.

(I still love hearing a little banjo in the tunes...very cool.)

Let's hope GIZMO or TARANTA make it to Canada one day, I'll be there.

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Postby jedsoon on 27 Jun 2005 14:49

Well, I pretty much gravitate to all of Stew's tunes, this one being no different. It is growing on me with each listen, though I don't think it's my favorite in the vault.

Interesting that this grew out of one of the Spyro tunes. Did someone mention hearing a banjo in the song? After several listens this morning, I'm just not picking up on it...

Khadja Ninh's vocals are interesting. I suppose we will always be hearing Stew's music backing other vocalists, but I would really like to hear him sing a few new tunes![/i]
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Postby BongoBoy on 27 Jun 2005 15:16

No...no banjo on Hansa, I just love when he does use banjo on some of his other older stuff.

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Postby juan on 28 Jun 2005 10:09

Hi Stewart!!

Nice to meet you here!!

I´ve been missing your words in this your official web-page; I have red some posts written by you at AUI, but you haven´t visited us here!

I would like to meet you next month in Italy, but there is a lot of work to do: booking tickets, hotels and flights, but I will try to be in Milano in july 16...

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Postby georgygirl on 30 Jun 2005 05:21

I am not quite sure if this Stewart is the real one.
Perhaps is fake Stewart.
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Postby BongoBoy on 30 Jun 2005 12:31

...but maybe it IS!!!

He has a laptop while riding his polo horse!

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Postby georgygirl on 01 Jul 2005 00:16

Bongoboy, your reflection about the laptop in his polo horse, proves that he is a fake Stewart .
If he is going anywhere with his lap, for sure he is writing more messages here, maybe with a misterious nick.
I think that this Stewart is a fake one.

Anyway I am starting to read the real Stewart's message in the news area. But I need more time to make my impressions on that.
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Postby BongoBoy on 04 Jul 2005 12:33

Yes, I am only joking...I don't know but I hoped it was him...it would be great to know he surfing our posts.

...them he would "have contact"!
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Postby random task on 11 Jul 2005 00:11

do you think you will be doing any other alternate versions of spyro tunes stewart?
my real name is spencer
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