OK, I have to ask this. And sorry if you feel like I am asking inappropriate questions, but I really cannot fathom this.
How do you do it? (i.e. following the band going to more than one concert AND flying abroad too?)
I just went on all the three sites that would allow to buy a ticket.
I cannot get a membership for BestBuy because I never joined their rewards program. It's the only one that has decent (I am not saying good) but decent prices. like $ 90. If you knew this before the end of May. If you didn't, tough shit.
Ticketmaster forces you to join the club, so the price of one ticket goes over $200 automatically.
Stubhub is practically like eBay, glorified scalpers. A shitty 4th floor place costs $285 per person. An under the stage ticket (where usually the Flag people who are not asshats, because at this point I understand that if you behave like an asshat those behind you will kill you), costs $1001,00.
Add the costs of traveling (yes, you don't necessarily have to fly on the East Coast and Europe, but still you have to pay for gas!), food and a place to stay if you cannot get home the same day.
If the Police play IN your city, where you can drive to the concert, are a member of TPT, Best Buy or you got decent seats from a scalper, and go home, the cost per person would be around $100-200. Which is great, and possible.
Repeat like 4 or 5 times, and the concerts are all in the same area you end up spending most certainly $1000+ (per person) because you're worth it, a la L'Oreal. Which is OK for a fan. You are probably willing to sleep on the floor, staying at relatives, or going to a hostel.
Now I have just calculated that if I buy 2 shitty 4th floor seats at AT&T in San Antone through StubHub, add the cost of planes, car rental, food and hotel for 2 people, seeing the Police (from a shitty place) would cost us over $3500 to be optimistic.
Now, my question is: those who have seen 7 or 8 concerts, are you millionaires by any chances? Are your parents rich? I know how ~~~~~ would make it, but
I think before I put a lid on this pot forever, I must try and understand. Maybe the answer to why No Concerts on the West Coast is there too.