When ever I see some pictures of the flag from the gig, from the parking lot or from where ever it is flying - I get scared shitless about the time we have it in Europe.
At the European concerts there are no chairs on the floor there is just a moshpit no sections nothing. That should mean a few thousand people - hopefully dacing and jumping. As I am the oldest fart in my group who goes I guess there will be a pretty young audiance. The European Police gigs will see a very different kind of fan compared to the US ...
So I said it to DM before I am afraid the flag will be in danger - and god knows I would be ready to die ... flag survival and all this!
For the gigs in Munich and Mannheim it won't be that hard for Stu to spot his troops - check this picture and guess how of those two is in charge of the flag ...
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1424/559 ... 630b_b.jpg
Yes they both stand level on the ground!
I also just got a t-shirt done that says: "Get ouf of my way Sting, the drummer wants to see me!"
Still I think about having a "copy" done for the waving part of the show while the original sleeps in a jacket pocket ... !
I would hate to be the one who has to call DM that night telling her bad news ... I hate it when girls have a nervous breakdown.