All right folks, having heard all this talk about the Flag of Copelandia, and whatnot, I have drafted the following language:
"BE IT RECOGNIZED that Monday, July 16th, 2007 is the 55th birthday of The Supreme Sage of Rhythmic Intensity and General Overlord Of All Things Great and Good In Our Land.
Seeing as His Badness of Bass and Splendidness of Snare has contributed his many talents to the enjoyment of the citizens of the realm for lo these thirty years (35, but who's counting); seeing as his relative Prince of Copelandia Miles Copeland has made to pass such supreme works as the creation of IRS Records, thus sharing with the world the greatness that is REM, the Go Gos and Wall of Voodoo; seeing as that followers of Duke of Copelandia Ian Copeland have continued to recognize his contributions to the realm through continued support of the URL dot com; and recognizing that through the prolific generation of Copeland progeny the world can expect to enjoy monster good drumming, filmmaking and works of general artistry for years to come;
HEREBY IS IT ANNOUNCED THAT henceforth said date July 16th of every year shall be set forward as the Official Yearly Recognition of the Date of Creation of Our Lord and Master Stewart Copeland And First Federal Holiday of the Realm.
All citizens of the Realm shall celebrate the holiday thusly: Enjoyment of repeated listenings of Copeland recordings via software installations of their choice; concentrated viewings of such films as "The Rhythmatist," "Police Around the World" and "Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out"; or attending such live performance by the Lord and Master as their respective circumstances would indicate.
All in favor, say AYE.