OT: Is vinyl back????

OT: Is vinyl back????

Postby animal on 16 Jul 2007 17:06

http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story ... 45,00.html

Will there be a re-release of The Police catalog ???

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Postby phaty on 16 Jul 2007 17:14

Get outta here ... !

I should start to think about selling my "First-Singles-6-Pack" of the boys on ebay soon - might pay for a holiday trip to Aruba or at least a ticket somewhere in section 2873 right beside the portaloo!

Postby Jennythenipper on 16 Jul 2007 17:15

Vinyl never really left.

It is high time we had a high quality vinyl re-release of the Police. I would love it!
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Postby giovanni on 16 Jul 2007 19:56

For what I know, REGGATTA DE BLANC should be rereleased on vynil in Japan in August.
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Postby Kalypso on 16 Jul 2007 20:02

Vinyl never left. Turntables did. Try find a decent one nowadays!
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Postby giovanni on 16 Jul 2007 20:03

sure you can find it, but you have to pay $$$$$$$
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Postby Kalypso on 16 Jul 2007 20:17

Non avrei dovuto disfarmi della mia.... :cry: :cry:
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Postby Jennythenipper on 16 Jul 2007 21:21

[quote="Kalypso"]Vinyl never left. Turntables did. Try find a decent one nowadays![/quote]

I am spoliled on many fronts here. One, my husband is vinyl nut and has a really nice Linn turntable he brought from the old country (and runs on a home made power converter) and two, the Needle Doctor one heck of a great turntable reseller and repair shop, is right here in Dinkytown by the Univ. where I work.

I found a decent technics one at a yardsale which my husband and the Needle Doctor got into working order and gave to a friend of mine. It not audio geek quality, but it plays records well and sounds good to my ears.
It was a very trivial investment in money. Under a hundred dollars. I think decent turntables are to be had on Ebay as well.

Also new turntables are still being manufactured and not all of them are insano expensive. Needle Doctor has a bunch for under a hundred (with another ten or so for shipping.).
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 16 Jul 2007 23:47

Oh heck yeah. I was just telling folks the other day to try the Guitar Center. They have a bunch of DJ-style turntables for well under $200. They'll scratch, too. ;)

I've still got a slew of vinyl, including a lot of titles it would be a PITA to find on CD.
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Postby Jennythenipper on 17 Jul 2007 20:12

[quote="Divemistress of the Dark"]Oh heck yeah. I was just telling folks the other day to try the Guitar Center. They have a bunch of DJ-style turntables for well under $200. They'll scratch, too. ;)

I've still got a slew of vinyl, including a lot of titles it would be a PITA to find on CD.[/quote]

Oh that's a good idea. Turntables are classified as an instrument now, so go somewhere where they sell instruments.
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Postby Krokodyle on 17 Jul 2007 23:14

Linn turntable? Sweet.

Vinyl never left, but it did suffer a bit for a while there.

I have a rather large vinyl collection that I've built over the years. My turntable isn't the greatest, in fact it's rather inexpensive, but I *did* buy the best needles I could afford and it really makes a difference. At least my table has adjustable speed & strobe so I can make adjustments if needed.
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Postby Three over Four on 18 Jul 2007 04:25

Hey....you finally got your all Stewart avatar up Krok! Nicely done!!
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Postby Krokodyle on 18 Jul 2007 16:02

Heh...yeah, but I'm not very happy with it, so I may make another.
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Postby Jennythenipper on 18 Jul 2007 18:08

[quote="Krokodyle"]Linn turntable? Sweet.

Vinyl never left, but it did suffer a bit for a while there.

I have a rather large vinyl collection that I've built over the years. My turntable isn't the greatest, in fact it's rather inexpensive, but I *did* buy the best needles I could afford and it really makes a difference. At least my table has adjustable speed & strobe so I can make adjustments if needed.[/quote]

Your avatar is eating my brain, Krok. Is that Boris Karloff in there?

Yes needle, strobe and adjustable speed are all important. My husband swears by a really good table to hold your turntable, too. They are heavy as hell with pointy feet so they don't absorb vibrations. They will go a long way to make an inexpensive turntable sound better. Also can dance like crazy and not skip the record.
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Postby Krokodyle on 18 Jul 2007 22:47

>> They are heavy as hell with pointy feet so they don't absorb vibrations.

It's all about the MASS. ;)

>> Is that Boris Karloff in there?

Heh heh...which one?
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