by Jennythenipper on 18 Jul 2007 18:08
[quote="Krokodyle"]Linn turntable? Sweet.
Vinyl never left, but it did suffer a bit for a while there.
I have a rather large vinyl collection that I've built over the years. My turntable isn't the greatest, in fact it's rather inexpensive, but I *did* buy the best needles I could afford and it really makes a difference. At least my table has adjustable speed & strobe so I can make adjustments if needed.[/quote]
Your avatar is eating my brain, Krok. Is that Boris Karloff in there?
Yes needle, strobe and adjustable speed are all important. My husband swears by a really good table to hold your turntable, too. They are heavy as hell with pointy feet so they don't absorb vibrations. They will go a long way to make an inexpensive turntable sound better. Also can dance like crazy and not skip the record.
Thanks to Sockii (you rockii) for awesome Avatar photo!