Unfortunate news for Sting-o

Postby Jennythenipper on 17 Jul 2007 20:06

Now if he's the one who knocked up the chef.....maybe that'd be different. :lol:[/quote]
That's how rumors get started....
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Postby ShiatsuGirl on 18 Jul 2007 06:42

And if this were happening to Joe Public no one would give a flying fuck.... its only because the news gets to splash Sting and Trudy's name across their little headline banners. $$$$ for their coffers no matter what.

I think the article did say they were going to appeal the case.

As for who's right, who's wrong? I don't know these people!! How the hell should I know, or pass judgement??
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Postby Tamadude on 18 Jul 2007 08:44

Now if he's the one who knocked up the chef.....maybe that'd be different. :lol:[/quote]
That's how rumors get started....[/quote]

Rumors get started from jokes? Can you attach laughing emoticons to rumors, too? :lol: :lol: :) :o
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