Stewart Story

Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 22 Jun 2007 22:05

Thinking about wearing The Socks to Dallas. But I bet it's hotter than hell down there this may go with something a bit less swelter-y.

Stewart's been around a bit less since the reunion got started. There was a bit of a kerfuffle around a post of his here a couple of weeks ago, so it may be a while before he turns up again. Which is ok; he'll be back eventually, I'm sure.
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Postby conroy on 22 Jun 2007 22:12

[quote="Divemistress of the Dark"]Thinking about wearing The Socks to Dallas. But I bet it's hotter than hell down there this may go with something a bit less swelter-y.

Stewart's been around a bit less since the reunion got started. There was a bit of a kerfuffle around a post of his here a couple of weeks ago, so it may be a while before he turns up again. Which is ok; he'll be back eventually, I'm sure.[/quote]

When I last checked the weather forecast for Dallas next week, it was actually supposed to be cooler there than it will be here in the east.
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Postby FOYC on 22 Jun 2007 22:20

The press is so f'ing predictable. They jumped all over SC's post. When I read it, I thought it was hillarious, and a sign that the boys had come a long way from the old days. I had seen the first 2 shows in Vancouver and they were fantastic. Of course Stewart and Sting are perfectionists so there were things they were not happy about. But missing the sweet spot on the gong? The point of SC's post seemed to be that things got off to a decent start, they expected more, but instead of a fight breaking out the boys ended up laughing their asses off. But the press had to make it about the group fighting and dissatisfied with the show. Pathetic.
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Postby policerule on 23 Jun 2007 04:15

ok... so what is the real deal here... a bunch of jack off journalists got wind of his blog and exploited it. so f'in what. i might be off base here, but who cares? he knows the real deal and so do we... talk to us stewart!
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Postby Three over Four on 23 Jun 2007 06:36


In fact, when is the last time in mankind's history that journalists were thought of as an honest bunch, on the whole? What's even more sad is the fact that they're only concerned with getting strong ratings. And the most sad fact is that the stories that dominate our news media are demanded by the masses and thus the media is only a reflection of society.

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Postby georgygirl on 23 Jun 2007 16:23

Well, it doesn´t matter why, but was a good strategy (Intentional or not) to capture audience's attention...

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