Wait and See>>>There have been some encouraging signs, but I'm still going to believe it when I see it <<<
Surely, the most "suspicious" audience would fire them bright.
As Stewart says, they aren't the boys anymore who wanted to conquer the world.
Let's see how those Good Daddies ROCK! It won't be (and shouldn't be) the mimic of the old days.
>>>It also throws more suspicion on that quote that somebody claimed here a while back about them already recording two songs... <<<
Stewart was very careful to answer the questions, especially for the Q's concerning the tour.
Every little thing he says would turn out to be "official". So, there might be something new already done, or nothing fixed at all we don't know, but it's fun to imagine !
And Laz, if you come to Tokyo in Feb. '08, you will witness the result of their evolution after 9~10 months.
Thank you for your words, Dirty Martini, mardee, samburusunset, georgygirl, patbateman, Pezish,
It's puzzling that despite the wish to stay longer there, my body was always about to run away.
Should I analyze myself using the lyrics of "Every little thing...Magic" and "Does Everyone Stare"
And Gio!! Like GinaSuperCat says," this site more than helped". I was depending on this forum 100%.
Two japanese who write in this forum, Midori & I both realized the wish to meet Stewart. How nice!
Divemistress >>>he seems to have a sense of humor and some perspective on it <<<
I felt the same, too. I understand jennym's "in a daze" feeling, but with his long arms and big hands wide spread, he seems to have a grand capacity to let us be near to him, and knows how to treat us.