* Last minute, Chilean President Michelle Bachellet confirm 708 people died by the Mega-Earthquake, she said this quantity could be increased by the hundred of people dissapear... Hi Folks!
Well I am here, surviving... Peru wasn't affected by Chilean earthquake only the ocean was retired some meters and people who lives near the Peruvian beaches go out their houses or in some places like modern and sophisticated beach of "Asia" left their mansions to return to their homes in Lima...
But what happened in Chile was a disaster a MEGA-EARTHQUAKE of around 8,8 Richter scale all what we saw on news was railways destroyed, bridges collapsed, buildings and skyscrapers fallen down main in the Chilean city of "Concepción" ( the second one in importance than Santiago) Santiago hadn't a catastrophe situation but also so many people died and airport of Santiago were closed, lot of Chileans and Americans stayed in Lima, because of the disaster situation in Santiago's Airport...
The first news talked about 78 died people, but nowadays this statistic was incremented by around 300 people died by this MEGA-EARTHQUAKE... I don't know what will be the final count of people died, because existed lot of people disappear ... one thing, the "Vina del Mar Festival" ( were The Police participated in 1982 ) was cancelled... It started some days ago and during a round a week so you imagine if it happened the same hour at the Earthquacke with around 15,000 each night, perhaps lot of died people were there... hopefully the QUAKE happened at the fisrts hours of the morning and the Festival not continue at those hours... some artists were in panic, and some of them left their hotels, for example "O' higgings Hotel" ( an ancient Hotel were THE POLICE stayed in 1982) were for some hours without gas and water... and tell their hostes to be outside... nothing of them return to their countries, beacause the Santiago's Airport highway for the airplanes was destroyed, also some parts of the Airport building that's why it's closed... in Argentina and Japan were reported some Quakes too the same day... the japanese was bigger and the argentinian was reported around 6,3 richter scale in north side of Argentina and some people said in Buenos Aires also happened something... in Ecuador another one around 5,1 richter scale hope anything will happen in Peru, but it's impossible to be out of this, beacuse Peru is situated in the same line, is like California
Here a video who predicted in 2007 the MEGA-ERTHQUAKE of CHILE 2010:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAesXBrF ... r_embeddedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL24lvYn ... r_embedded