I just watch on peruvian tv news a great report from Dusseldorf about "Ben Hur Live" it explain all what we knows and it shows the story teller or the voice in off and STEWART!! Yeah our hero wearing a long dark sleeve shirt with white lines and explaining what he do ... peruvian tv news host tells about the music of Stewart making on his studio in Dusseldorf...explanng all the dates in Europe and that it will become one of the most spectacular and millionaire productions...also I saw the rehearsals with the horses and actors
Here some links of waht peruvian writting press said about "Ben Hur Live":
"La banda sonora de tan ambiciosa producción emana del talento de Stewart Copeland, miembro fundador y batería de "The Police", que ha compuesto dos horas de música que integran el "poder del rock" con sonidos "étnicos y sinfónicos". (translation= The Soundtrack of this ambitious production emane from the talent of Stewart Copeland, founder member and drummer of "The Police", who composed two hours of music that integrate the "power of rock" with "Synphonics and Ethnics" sounds)
http://www.peru.com/espectaculos/sgc/sh ... 33731.aspx
http://agenciadoce.com/2009/05/ben-hur- ... co-maximo/