Wow - I though I was alread pissed! Then I accidently erased my whole rant and have to write it again!
Did you see there is another woman currently hospitalized in LA for the next THREE months at taxpayers' expense? She is expecting quadruplets because this SAME doctor implanted SEVEN embryos in her. (By the way, just the octuplet's post-natal care has been estimated at 1.3 million).
The Ca. welfare system is a MESS. Welfare mothers collect for every additional child they have, and mothers who give birth to drug-addicted babies just keep poppin' 'em out because it is "their civil right" to bear children. I used to help a neighbor who provided emergency foster care for drug-addicted infants. One infant, whom she eventually adopted, had EIGHT siblings - all born addicted to meth, all ending up in the foster care and medi-cal system. Yet I am going to lose services for my disabled daughter at the end of the month - whether the budget passes or not; I just won't lose ALL of them if it does pass - because the powers that be have targeted services for the disabled and elderly as the best opportunity to cut expenses. Guess they just don't fall into any civil rights lawyer's pro-bono fund, and God knows, their families are already coping with more than they can already.
So I MIGHT feel a little sheepish for the rant
- but not too much. and thank you, irishrose for giving me this opportunity to blow off steam.
We are, each of us, Angels - with only one wing. We must embrace each other to fly.