OT warning email hackers

OT warning email hackers

Postby visions on 20 Dec 2008 13:57

I have recieved a couple of email from friends which they didn't send

Just puting the word out

hackers are getting in and getting email adresses so far it only hotmail as I know

just be aware

both email were ads.....most will know your friends and what they send so just be extra careful

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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 20 Dec 2008 21:23

I had that happen to me once, an they were sending mass emails to anyone and everyone. It was on a desktop I almost never us, or turn off... And I logged on on my laptop, and kept getting redirectd to Road Runner pge, so we called Road Runner and asked tem what was up, and they explained what happened. At firs they didn't believe I didn't do it, but I think we moved up to the boss who said, yeah they had heard of that. After I did a spyware scan, the computer was fine.
“...and er, did anyone try just pushing this little red button?”
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