ugh, this does not bode well...?

ugh, this does not bode well...?

Postby ceebab on 07 Feb 2007 04:06

"Legacy fan club members are urged to stay tuned to tomorrow for news of an amazing contest opportunity. Details are still being finalised and will be published on the site tomorrow."

Is it just me, or does this feel like the legacy fans are going to get first dibs on tickets? That would bite.

Maybe I'm just being bitter, but in the membership descriptions it claims that membership gets you access to presales and premium membership gets you access to contests. Nowhere does it ever mention anything about "legacy" until you've already paid your money.

Not having positive thoughts towards Sting's managment at the moment.
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Postby Echidna on 07 Feb 2007 04:13

Hmm where does it say that? I just checked out but couldnt see any details in regards to this?
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Postby blueseattle on 07 Feb 2007 04:20

I'm going to assume the content is for the Grammy's or is that too late now? Probably so.

If they are doing pre-sales on this, whatever, hey, at least they're going on tour and I shall be at one show at the very least.
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 07 Feb 2007 04:23

Could also be some Sting solo gig. He's got at least a dozen on the schedule.
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Postby blueseattle on 07 Feb 2007 04:29

[quote="Divemistress of the Dark"]Could also be some Sting solo gig. He's got at least a dozen on the schedule.[/quote]

Is it me or am I the only one who thinks we're all jumping the gun on this tour?

Didn't the main page here say just a special appearance? I mean is it really safe to assume a tour yet?

I'm just hoping we all didn't get our hopes up.
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