Leroy Coolbreeze Fund for Melanoma International Fdtn.

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Leroy Coolbreeze Fund for Melanoma International Fdtn.

Postby DirtyMartini on 12 Nov 2007 00:38

While we will continue to bump fund-raising threads throughout the Police tour, I thought it might be helpful to have the primary information on the Leroy Coolbreeze Fund in honor of Ian Copeland in one central location:

Melanoma International Foundation

Through the Melanoma International Foundation, members of the SC.net community have established the Leroy Coolbreeze Fund in honor of Ian Copeland and in association with the SC Flag to raise money for melanoma research. MIF's mission includes advocacy to increase funding for scientific research, while simultaneously providing real-life assistance to newly diagnosed patients.

Funds raised by MIF are allocated to programs for prevention, early detection, and treatment of melanoma. Its global presence has helped MIF foster and expand international collaboration among scientists focused on finding a cure. In addition, MIF provides valuable and practical services to patients and their families by helping them identify and get placed in clinical trials. As the most appropriate trial is often located at a distance from the patient's home, MIF also provides funding for travel and housing accommodations without which many would find such treatments out of reach.

Their scientific advisory boards includes scientists, doctors, and directors from the US, China, Scotland, Australia, and England. Considering the many nations represented here at SC.net, this emphasis on international input, research, advocacy, and awareness is especially appropriate to our community.

Direct link to donate to the Leroy Coolbreeze Fund:
https://www.melanomaintl.org/donate.asp (Please specify "Leroy Coolbreeze" in the "In Memory Of & In Honor Of" field.)

Announcement and Flag Miles:
http://www.stewartcopeland.net/forum/vi ... php?t=4687

LC Fund donations in honor of nancyrose's mother, Margaret Albrecht:
http://www.stewartcopeland.net/forum/vi ... php?t=4973 (Please specify "Margaret Albrecht" in the "In Memory Of & In Honor Of" field.)

http://www.stewartcopeland.net/forum/vi ... php?t=3670
http://www.stewartcopeland.net/forum/vi ... php?t=4517
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